The in-person interview has gone well! He spent the day at the office yesterday. His future boss and a couple of co-workers took him out for lunch (seafood, of course) and then he was invited over to the boss' house for dinner last night. I was happy to hear that this boss was making the effort to try to get to know G on somewhat of a personal level.
G's mind is already made up. He's accepting the job. Between the boss and the job seeming cool and this particular area of FL being beautiful, he has no doubts that this move will be a good one! He sent me a text yesterday saying, I'm happy enough to pack your bags! He also told me to consider myself lucky that he purchased a round-trip ticket or he would've been tempted to start his new job on Monday, rather than 2 weeks from now!
G told me he's being a beach bum today, and scoping out the area for a room to rent. He's promised me he'll take a lot of pictures with his nice camera, to bring back and show me. I'm glad he has some time to relax and get comfortable with these new surroundings.
He tells me he's going to call his parents tonight and break the news that he's accepting this job offer in FL. Once our families are told, we'll start telling our friends. Breaking the news to everyone will be one of the harder parts of this process.
G's sent me some pictures that he's taken with his iPhone.
6-24-10 Driving across Tampa Bay Bridge.
6-26-10 Nokomis beach.

6-26-10 Nokomis beach sunset- 1
6-26-10 Nokomis beach sunset- 2
You can tell that G is a photographer... check out those sunset photos!!! I'm glad you've started your blog now so we can keep track of your latest adventure!