Amazingly, G already has an offer on the table! And it’s not just an offer, but a good offer!
He’d been corresponding via email with an employer in Venice, FL for a Director of Engineering position and the owner of this company asked for him to sell him on what G could bring to the table to benefit the company. G’s email impressed him, so he asked for samples of G’s work. Those samples impressed him too. A phone interview was scheduled for yesterday afternoon and that went so well that the owner said he’d be extending G a formal written offer this week. G received the offer via email this morning!
If G is seriously considering the offer, which he is, the owner wants to fly him out this month for an in-person interview to show him the company and the city. If that all goes well and G accepts, he’ll be required to start 12 July!
The offer is really quite good! The base salary is in the middle range of G’s requested salary range. He’ll be eligible for annual bonuses. He’ll have the title of Director of Engineering, reporting directly to the President/Owner.
Truthfully, this is all happening so quickly that it’s making our heads spin! I think we both agree that this is too good of an opportunity to pass up and we’ll make it work one way or another, even with the awful timing of it all.
By awful timing I mean that we still have to finalize C’s adoption and that means that if G is starting a new job in another state, I’ll have to stay here with the kids until everything is finalized (I suspect that it’ll take at least 3 months to get a court date). I’ll have to put the house on the market and get it ready for showing.
And I can’t help but think of how we’re going to break the news to our family and friends. There’s not really any time to “prepare” anyone for this sudden change, even if we wanted to. I want to get the word out while G is still here so that I’m not the only one left to deal with it all while he’s gone.
It’s not going to be easy….G will be starting a new job and living in a new city and state, all by himself for a while. He’ll be lonely. He’ll miss the kids and I and we will miss him. Sure, he’ll have spare time to hang out on the beach and explore, which will help offset that loneliness a bit, but it’s not as ideal as all of us moving out together.
As for me, I’ll get to be a single, working mom in essence. I’ll get to pack and clean an entire house and deal with the realtor. I’ll be responsible for the kids and keeping the house clean, all while working full-time. I sure will have a greater respect for all the single, working moms out there when this is all said and done!
And I know it’s going to be hard on the kids, having their Daddy gone for several months. Sure, we’ll do iChat or Skype and G will fly back for a weekend visit on occasion, but it’s going to be an adjustment for them.
G and I are telling ourselves that military families go through this all the time. A 6 month separation (or more in their case) is all part of the job to them. Those families rely on their support system and they find the strength to do what they have to do until their spouse or loved one returns back home from deployment. If they can do it, so can we.
In the meantime, G and I are scouring the internet trying to learn as much as possible about the city and state we very well may be moving to. The internet is a lovely thing. It has so much information to disclose to us!
I told G that if he flys out for an in-person interview soon, he’s required to take his nice camera and come back with LOTS of pictures of the city…not just the beach and the ocean, but the actual city so I can see where we might live.
FYI, temp in Venice is 90 degrees right now (86 degrees in here) and Heaven only knows what the humidity level is! If we move, I think I’m going to miss the “dry” heat here!
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