Monday, August 16, 2010

My Kindergartener didn't start Kindergarten today.

This morning as I drove J & C to their preschool, I saw the little neighbor girl from across the street being walked to her first day of school by her parents and older sisters. She and J would've gone to school together.

I saw several other small children walking with their backpacks so large it seemed as though the child would tip over. Some kids were dashing to get in the doors before the bell rang and big yellow buses were lumbering all around me on the streets.

Today should have been the day that J started Kindergarten and I must admit, I'm feeling a bit sad that he isn't...yet.

When we purchased our house 5 years ago, J was 8 1/2 months old. Already we were thinking about what elementary school he'd go to and we chose our house in large part because it was part of a school district that had an elementary school with consistent EXCEL ratings, as well as good middle and high schools close by. Many of our neighbors had sent their kids to the elementary school that was walking distance from our home and they raved about the school, the teachers, and the principal.

We've spent these past few years acquainting J with this elementary school with frequent walks to play in the playground. We talked it up a lot to build his excitement.

Not all that long ago, we attended Kindergarten round-up and enrolled J in the upcoming Kindergarten class, not knowing we'd be moving out of state. He was so excited to tour that elementary school and we were just as excited.

Given our current circumstances, I had to make the practical decision to wait on starting J in Kindergarten until we get to FL. He would only be in this elementary school 2 weeks before our move. It didn't make sense to put him in one school only to pull him out and start him in another.

So, my little Kindergartener didn't start Kindergarten today. Most likely, he'll start on Sept 7th, about 2 weeks after the FL schools begin. We will have missed any 'meet and greet' social events they have for Kindergarteners and their parents. We won't have the luxury of getting a tour in advance. We will miss out on the fanfare and excitement that comes with all the little Kindergarteners starting their first day of school together.

I'll have to make J's first day special for him in my own way. A special breakfast, new school supplies, being there to help him get settled in a new classroom, and taking lots of pictures. Same for C as well, as she'll be starting a new preschool too.

And when that's all taken care of, I'll get to go home to a house full of unpacked boxes. I suppose it'll be nice to have the distraction of unpacking that first day.

Monday, August 9, 2010

My little fishes!

J and C are becoming quite the little fishes this summer, thanks in large part to the weekly swim lessons from Erin and the availability to swim in our pool every day!

It became quite apparent lately how much they've turned a corner and gotten over their fear of the water and I've really enjoyed seeing this improvement.

Tonight they tried a diving board for the first time, while at Shari and Christian's for dinner (our pool doesn't have a diving board).

C went first. She's my little daredevil and when she saw the "big" kids (Christian's nieces) diving off the board, she wanted to do it too.

J was soon to follow and swam steadily across the length of the pool back to the steps with no assistance and no problems.

C got even more daring when Christian asked if she wanted to go off the diving board with him. They jumped in together and Christian threw C ahead of him. She loved it and kept asking him to do it again and again! After the fourth time, he finally had to tell her enough was enough.

The evening of pool play, dinner, and a couple of rounds of Jenga was a huge success and a much needed brake from my packing efforts!

Thanks for the invite, Shari and Christian!