Tuesday, July 27, 2010

We've secured a rental home in FL!

When G accepted his FL job offer we began discussing what we should do about our living situation. Since we're going to be trying to sell our house here, we'll be new to FL, and I have no idea exactly where in FL I'll be working, we decided that renting for at least a year was the smart and responsible thing to do. It's going to be an adjustment going from being a home owner to a renter, but we'll manage for the short term.

It was quite a bit harder to find a decent rental house than we expected it to be.

After much scouring of the Sarasota Craigs List, the local newspaper classifieds, and a lot of drive-by searching by G, he's managed to secure a rental home in Venice, FL! And it has grass that I'll get to mow! I'm so excited! I've truly missed yard work since moving away from NE.

We were surprised to find that there aren't a lot of 4BR homes in this area of FL, unless you want to pay $1400-$1500+/month in rent, which we do not. 2BR and 3BR homes are much more common. Perhaps it's because many people that live there are retired couples, or "snowbirds" and don't need the space that a single family of 4 needs (or likes)?

We were also surprised at how quickly the good rentals got snapped up. Several times G would respond to an online ad, the same day, and leave a voice mail message saying he was interested in scheduling a time to walk through the house, only to be told it'd already been rented!

G found a lot of rather dismal, ill-kept houses for rent during his search. Knowing how picky I am, he realized that if he wasn't thrilled about them, I certainly wouldn't be willing to consider them either.

But with determination and perseverance, G finally scored us a nice house this past weekend!

It's 3BR, 2 BA, a bit over 1700 sq. ft (about 300 sq ft smaller than our current home so not bad), and although it doesn't have a pool in the back yard (we'll miss our current pool but we'll have an ocean instead), the back yard is entirely fenced in (that means we can take our turtles with us) and it has lots of plants, grass, a spa, and even a tire swing. And I'm quite happy that the house has an attached 2 car garage, rather than a carport or just street parking.

Best of all, this house is a 2 minute drive to the nearest beach, 3 minutes from the Venice fishing pier, 2 miles from the Venice Island Harbor Blvd (where there are restaurants, art and craft fairs, etc) and 5 miles from Caspersen beach, where a bunch of fossilized shark teeth are found! It's also close to two elementary schools, the YMCA, a baseball field, a park, and a grocery store. We'll be able to bike to just about everything we want!

The couple that is renting it out has lived in it with their kids (13 year old son, 11 year old daughter) and they decided to move into a larger 3BR home with a pool, just a couple of blocks away. They love the close-knit neighborhood and didn't want to leave it. They rave about the quiet, friendly neighborhood.

When G walked through the house with the landlord, he was invited over to the landlords own nearby home to meet the wife and kids. G ended up sitting there talking with them for over an hour. They seem to be genuinely nice people who wanted to rent to another small family who would enjoy their home as much as they have.

Now that we have a new place to live, as of 1 August, I feel a bit more motivated about getting in gear to get this house packed up. I don't have much time left anyway...only 5 1/2 weeks to go before we're on our way to FL.

Here are just a few more pictures of the of the house that G took with his iPhone:

front yard

2 car garage

back yard

back yard spa

the landlord showing G the spa

front entry way

dining room area

living & dining room areas


Friday, July 23, 2010

We have an adoption date!

After anxiously awaiting for this outcome over the past 2 years, 5 months, and 16 days (not that I'm counting or anything), we finally have an adoption finalization date for C!

Although she's been our daughter in our hearts for that long, this sassy, strong-willed, beautiful, beloved little girl will legally become part of our family on August 30th at 1:30 PM!

As most of you know, our attempts to adopt her through the foster care system have proven to be much more of a challenge than we ever imagined. But against all odds, we are so thankful to be basking in the light at the end of the tunnel!

We feared we'd never get there, but the day is almost upon us, in large part due to the amazing support of family and friends. We love you all so dearly!

Later that evening, we'll be celebrating C's special day with a casual BBQ party in the park. We found a splash park that she loves (thanks to Terry and Chole for the reminder of that park) so I've just secured a reservation there.

Specific details will be shared for all who are interested in being a part this joyful day!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The rain Gods have finally answered!

Image from http://www.tucsonazrealestateblog.com/.

The monsoon rains have FINALLY arrived at my doorstep, after teasing and tempting me for many days. I have a hazy recollection of being awoken earlier this morning by the sound of heavy rains. As I drifted back into slumber listening to the downpour, I felt happy and content.

Once I got out of bed for the day, I rushed outside to see if the rain was a reality or a dream. I stood barefoot in my nightgown and surveyed the dark patches of rain soaked concrete and dirt in the back yard. I filled my lungs full of the rain scented air that was light and cool around me.

Ah, there's nothing more Heavenly than monsoon season. I've been waiting impatiently for this!

I think the kids and I will have breakfast outside on the back patio and continue to enjoy this cool air while we can.

What a refreshing break from the oppressive summer heat!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Exploring new surroundings!

G is spending some time exploring his new surroundings. He tells me that it doesn’t get dark there in FL until around 9 PM, unlike the 7-7:30 PM time frame here, so he has plenty of time after getting off work to go hang at the beaches.

He took an amazing picture of the Venice Fishing Pier yesterday that I want to share. Believe it or not, this great picture was taken with his iPhone camera, not his nice professional camera!

7-16-10 Venice Fishing Pier

And although G didn’t take this picture (I found it while scouring the internet for info on the new place we’ll be living), it still does a wonderful job showing how breathtaking FL sunsets can be!

Venice Beach sunset

G’s taken some videos of the ocean as well to share with the me and the kids (they love watching videos on my laptop). As you’ll see, it’s not always bright and sunny in FL, but it sure is beautiful, even during the rainy, stormy season!

7-14-10 Windy day on Venice Beach.

7-15-10 Venice Fishing Pier

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

He has airplanes on his mind.

(Click to enlarge.)

I have always loved children's artwork so I was thrilled when J started drawing stick people last year!

Over time, his drawings have become a bit more detailed.

Here's his latest masterpiece.

J explained to me that the man at the front of the plane is the pilot and that Daddy is sitting in the chair next to the second window.

Yes, J definitely has airplanes, and his Daddy, on his mind!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trip down memory lane.

Yesterday I felt the pressing need to get out of the house with the kids, to take our minds off of the fact that G was gone.

For some reason, I felt a yearning to revisit my old stomping grounds, the resort-like apartment complex at the base of the mountains that I lived in for the first 2 years of my time here.

The rent was expensive even back then ($700/month). Now the apartments are being sold off as privately owned condos priced at $180,000 for a 2 BR, 2 BA.

I remember arriving as if it were yesterday (hard to believe that was about 13 years ago). My oldest sister and youngest brother had driven with me, all the way from Nebraska, to help me get settled. It was my first time ever moving out of state and I was excited and nervous (guess that never changes, no matter how many times you move).

My two siblings were so good to me, driving all that way and getting me entirely unpacked before they flew back home. God bless them!

The day after they had left it was a Saturday and I woke up and decided to go to the clubhouse for breakfast (it was a free breakfast every Saturday, one of the reasons I chose that complex).

As I was sitting there eating my breakfast, feeling homesick and sorry for myself, I looked up to see a very tall man wearing a Husker shirt. Shamelessly, I flagged him down and asked if he was from Nebraska (he was). Thus began a lifelong friendship with Doug. He's been like an older brother ever since.

Missing G and realizing that soon I'll be missing everything here, I wanted to go back to where it all began. So, I packed up the kids and took a little road trip (only about a 2o minute drive, really).

As I wound my way up the road and neared the turn-off into the complex, I marveled at the stark beauty of the mountains. I parked the car and took the kids down the walk-way to Apartment #15104. It's vacant right now and I stood on tip-toe to peer in the windows. It looks just as I remember.

That complex at the base of the mountains hasn't changed a bit. The area is still rugged and breathtakingly beautiful. It's peaceful, quiet, and smells of mesquite. I indulged and immersed myself in all the happy memories that this place evoked, showing the kids some of my favorite spots.

One of the two pool areas was open so I took it upon myself to take the kids in for a dip. No one seemed to mind. The pool was nearly deserted, as it always was when I lived there (a great mystery, really).

The kids had a great time swimming and I had a nice time taking a trip down memory lane. Who says you can never go back?

G, here are some videos to show you how daring our kids are becoming in the pool! Guess those private swim lessons are finally paying off. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

He's just gone and we already miss him!

Our little family arose early this morning at 5:30 AM. G finished packing a few last items while I woke the kids up and got them ready to go. I reminded them that today was the day that we'd be taking Daddy to the airport so he can fly to FL.

J's response was, "So he can find us a house to live in, right?" C's response was, "Can I go back to sleep after we take Daddy to the airport?"

The entire ride to the airport and the entire time at the airport, J bombarded us with questions.

"When are we moving to FL?"

"Will Daddy find a house with a window in my bedroom?"

"When can we adopt C?"

"When is her lawyer coming so we can adopt her?"

"Why can't we go to FL now?"

"How do we get to FL?"

"Are we going to fly to FL like Daddy?"

"When can I play on the beach?"

"Will Erin give us swim lessons in FL?"

"What will my Kindergarten school in FL look like?"

"What's a job?"

The kids did pretty good in the airport, overall. They were distracted by the novelty of riding the elevator up to the ticket counter, helping G carry his bags, watching as he checked in at the counter, peering into the nearby gift shop, and scoping out the airplanes visible from windows.

When it came time to hug Daddy goodbye and watch him walk through security, it became clearer to them that Daddy was really leaving us.

On the ride back to the house, J relentlessly launched questions at me, many of the same questions as earlier.

My heart is aching today as I see the look of worry and sadness on J's face. He seems much more aware of what's going on than C, which is to be expected since he's 2 years older.

When the three of us were all snuggled up together reading books in my bed, J looked up and said, "There are two girls and only one boy. That makes me sad."

When I laid him down to nap, I struggled to keep the tears from my eyes as J told me, with a quiver in his voice, "I want my Daddy. I want to go to FL now."

This temporary separation is obviously going to be hard on the kids, especially J. He understands what's going on but he doesn't yet grasp the concept of time so when I tell him we can't move to FL until probably the end of August, it means nothing to him.

He asks me, "How many minutes to get to August?"

"When can we pick Daddy up?"

Before naptime, I got out a calendar and showed both kids July and August. I told them we would cross off each day that passes until C's adoption is finalized and we get to join Daddy in FL.

J asked me, "Can we Skype with Daddy tonight when he gets to his hotel?"

I assured him we could indeed Skype.

It's obvious that I need to keep the kids as busy as possible, in an attempt to keep their minds off of worrying and to help the time pass quickly.

As for myself, G has just gone away and I'm surprised at how much I already miss him, probably because I know this isn't just a quick weekend trip.

The house is too quiet. Things of G's are out of place or missing, which makes me feel a bit out of place. I feel disjointed somehow.

I have to keep my emotions in check and maintain a positive attitude to help the kids.

This is going to be a long 6- 8+ weeks.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The word is out.

Well, the word is out to most of our family and friends now. I'm glad. I like to share news. I'm not good at holding things in.

I made several phone calls to spread the news and now I'm emailing others because there just aren't enough hours in the day to call everyone personally.

Our news of moving has been met with some shocked silence and sadness but overall everyone has been very supportive, for which we're thankful.

G flies to FL on Saturday to start his new job on Monday. He'll be on the lookout for a house for us to rent once we know when C's finalization court date is set.

We've prepped the kids the best we can, explaining that we're moving to FL, that Daddy has to go first to start his job and find us a house. So far they seem to be taking it in stride. We'll see how things go after G is gone.

J asked where FL is, so I printed him a map of the U.S. and colored in where we live now and where we're moving to. He asked me to color in the beach and the water in the part of FL that we'll be living in (apparently the beach and water are what matter to him most). He also asked where he'd be going to school and I showed him a picture of an elementary school that G took while he was there interviewing. I told J that he "might" be going there, depending on where Daddy finds a house for us.

Hard to believe that in 3 days, G will be gone and I'll be a single mom for a few weeks, trying to juggle taking care of the kids, working full time, and packing a 4 BR, 2 BA house! Thankfully I've already had family and friends offering to help in any way that that can. That makes it all more bearable.

G got the first batch of moving boxes today, so he could get his office packed up before he leaves.

It's becoming a more of a reality as each day passes. I'm terrified and excited all at once! This certainly isn't the first time I've moved across the country, but it's the first time I've moved with 2 small children in tow.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July weekend

G, the kids, and I had a busy 4th of July weekend!

On Friday morning, we drove to see G's parents to attend Peter's retirement ceremony. It was neat seeing people within the community coming together to celebrate Peter's many years of being a lawyer and a judge. There was a nice meal served, stories told about Peter, and gifts given. The kids enjoyed helping their grandpa open his presents.

7-2-10 Peter opening retirement gifts.

7-2-10 Getting some help from the grandkids.

7-2-10 Stories being told about Peter.

7-2-10 Carol's big gavel.

I think one of the funniest comments made repeatedly during and after Peter's retirement ceremony was a portion of a phrase he often used when questioning the dead-beat dads that found their way into his courtroom, "What do you do all day?!"

After the ceremony and luncheon, we went back to the house and spent some time picking apricots off Carol's tree and then everyone joined in to set up Melisa's Smurf set that Carol had saved from when Melisa was a child. The Smurfs were a big hit with the kids this weekend!

That evening, the kids were thrilled to have a "movie night" and then to have a "sleep-over" at Grandma's house, which meant they all shared the same room for the weekend.

After being on the go all day, the kids fell asleep pretty quick. C was the last hold-out but not for too long.

7-2-10 Movie Night (the "Out of Egypt" kids movie is not recommended).

7-2-10 Cousins fast asleep.

Yesterday morning was spent outdoors. The cousins had fun playing together on the swing set and dancing in Grandma and Grandpa's yard (their grass is so cushy).

7-3-10 Cousins on the swing set.

7-3-10 More swing set fun!

7-3-10 Dancing little girls.

In the afternoon, we all loaded into our cars and drove down to the main street to watch the Independence Day parade.

We got there early to get a good spot, you know in case it got crowded, and waited for it all to start.

7-3-10 Waiting for the parade.

7-3-10 Still waiting.

Once the parade started, it didn't take long to finish, but the kids enjoyed it. And they were quite happy when it was announced that the fire station was handing out free ice cream and offering tours of the fire engine!

7-3-10 Climbing in the fire truck.

Last night we drove out and parked by the side of the road near the casino to watch the fireworks display. C was terrified and wanted to stay inside the truck. Thankfully I was able to at least coax her out of the truck, but she sat in my lap with her blanket over her head the entire time. She is only 3, so I guess her fear is understandable.

J was apprehensive of the loud booming noises, but he sat out with the others in the back of the truck and seemed to warm up to the fireworks towards the end.

7-3-10 Waiting for the fireworks to begin.

The fireworks were actually quite pretty and well worth the wait!

7-3-10 Ooooh...aaaah!

This morning, after mass, we loaded up everyone into 2 cars and drove up into the Pinal mountains to escape the heat and to have a picnic lunch, before we had to head back to our home.

7-3-10 Peter grilling sausages for lunch.

The kids had a great time exploring the small nearby stream, looking at bugs, throwing rocks, and building a small damn.

7-4-10 Playing in the stream.

The adults sat around and swapped funny stories about the past and Peter talked about his beginnings as a lawyer. He gave us his rendition of the "What do you do all day?" phrase!

Despite the fact that we were trying to cram as much activity in as possible, while we were all together, it still managed to be a fun and relaxing weekend.

It was bittersweet to see the kids playing together, knowing that once we move to FL these family gatherings will be all too infrequent. I think that's why we all made sure to take a lot of pictures over the weekend, to store up until we are together again.

Of course, we missed Chris and Lauren and their 2 kids. I know the 4 cousins would've loved to have their other 2 cousins joining in the fun!